Dov Chernichovsky

Ph.D. Economics

Dov Chernichovsky's Publications

NYU-Taub Center Conference Welcome, April 2012

{youtube}fhngC6yWJow{/youtube} Ronald Zweig (Director, NYU Taub Center for Israel Studies) and Dean Lauren Benton (Dean for the Humanities, NYU) welcome the audience to the joint NYU Taub Center for Israel Studies - Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel conference held April 15, 2012 in commemoration of Henry Taub. Speakers were Dan Ben-David, Dov Chernichovsky, Ayal Kimhi, Michal Koreh, Michael Shalev, Yossi Shavit, and Eran Yashiv. Published on 15 May 2012 by TaubCenter